Morphopsychology: Understanding The Book By Its Cover

“Don’t judge the book by its cover,” is one of the most widely known metaphorical idioms which tells us not to determine one’s character by his physical appearance. Our parents probably taught us this at home and our teachers in school, but there have been studies that the shape of a person’s face or teeth determine his personality. One study has been cited in




Morphopsychology is a branch of science which believes that a person’s facial features have something to do with his personality. It is a study of how a particular facial distinction is related to his behavior and purpose.


Julian Gabarre, PhD, wrote, “In a morphological level, and according to the theory of Morphopsychology, the human face can be divided in three different areas, and the prevalence of one of these can be a good indicator of the character and personality of the person. Furthermore, it can give us an idea of the type of intelligence they have: brain intelligence, emotional or instinctive.” That being said, morphopsychology determines a person’s strengths and weaknesses based on the shape of the face or teeth. It can determine which aspect of life a person would likely succeed in.


Attractiveness is also linked to an individual’s face, and “other determinants of perceived attractiveness are healthy skin, good teeth, a smiling expression, and good grooming,” wrote Charles Stangor, PhD, and co-authors in the book Principles of Social Psychology. But aside from the shape of the face, morphopsychology also believes your teeth have something to do with your personality.


Check Out The Shape Of Your Teeth And Find Out What It Says About You



Square-shaped Teeth


People with square shaped-teeth are very organized. They have a sense of control in almost everything. They are ambitious, and they are determined to get what they want. They are calm and outstanding at making the right choices because they are very objective. They focus on their goals and are seldom distracted by irrelevant things that come up around them.


They are most likely to succeed in a business where their organization skills and decision making is beneficial. They would also do well in love because of their calm nature. They are very patient and can deal with misunderstandings with total calmness and open-mindedness.


Oval-shaped Teeth


People with oval-shaped teeth are sensitive. They have a big heart, especially for the arts. They appreciate the brilliance and passion of people through art. They are sometimes gloomy and prefer to express their feelings through something they do well like drawing rather than opening up to people. They are real and loving.


They have the potential to do something brilliant as they are very creative and artistic. People with oval-shaped teeth can be uncomfortable around people especially when there are unfamiliar faces, but once you get to know them, they could be the most beautiful people on earth.


Rectangular-shaped Teeth


People with rectangular-shaped teeth are very confident people. They are smart and full of ideas. They love to express themselves with no filter. Some people misunderstand their behavior as insensitive at times. They are assertive and know how to make things go their way.


They are leaders and would most likely be successful as someone who is in charge. They are a perfectionist and very goal oriented.


Triangular-shaped Teeth


People with triangular-shaped teeth are the free-spirited. They are the people who believe this world is beyond all material possessions and that we should seize every moment we have. They know how to have fun and love the companion of friends who think the way they do.


They sometimes appear to have no security because they are very spontaneous and refuse to stay in one place. They embrace change and love adventure.


The shape of your face and teeth can tell a lot about you more than you realize according to people who study morphopsychology. The developed morphopsychology in the 1930s and modern psychology use it as a tool for understanding human behavior and personality until now. However, Paul Ekman, PhD, concludes that “despite this progress, knowledge about facial expression is still quite limited. Little is known about the difference between felt and phony expressions.”


“Never judge the book by its cover,” or never judge anyone by his teeth! Morphopsychology aims not to judge but understand.